Christophe Mariette
ESA Annual Grant
" This grant is dedicated to the younger generation of surgeons and aims to sustain Christophe Mariette’s quest for excellence through collaboration."

Christophe Mariette, head of the Department of general and digestive surgery at the University Hospital of Lille, France and a very active member of the ESA, died in July 2017 at the age of 47.
His death was a shock for the surgical community that lost a prominent surgeon and scientist in the field of cancer and upper GI surgery, a charismatic teacher and mentor for the young generation of surgeons, an enthusiastic leader, an empathic human being, a model pupil and a caring friend.
This grant, unanimously approved during the ESA General Assembly in May 2018, is dedicated to the younger generation of surgeons and aims to sustain Christophe Mariette’s quest for excellence through collaboration.
The aim of the “Christophe Mariette ESA Grant” is to promote collaborative scientific exchanges between hospitals of ESA members, within Europe, through a young surgeon hospitation from 1 to 3 weeks.
This Educational “Christophe Mariette ESA Grant” will be annually offered to applicants.
Depending on the selection of applications, each year one to three hospitations of 1-3 weeks can be supported.
Application for the grant is open to every young surgeons from the age of 35-45 years working at the institution of ESA members
The host (responsible of your hospitation) must be an ESA member as well.
“ESA Educational Grant Committee” will elect the applicants
The “ESA Educational Grant Committee” consists of 3 ESA members and a committee chair nominated by the ESA council for a 3 year period.
To be eligible for consideration, the following items should be submitted to the ESA Educational Grant Committee via the Submission available from this webpage.
One PDF file including, in the following order:
A Cover letter
The applicant’s curriculum vitae
The mentor’s curriculum vitae from the host institution
An acknowledgment from the host institution (see list) of support for the applicant’s clinical hospitation
Period of the exchange (from/to) with a minimum of 1 week to a maximum of 3 weeks.
Letter of reference from the mentor at the host institution
Letter of reference from the applicant’s home institution
A summary of the applicant´s clinical activities of the last 5 years
A brief summary of the aim of the hospitation (not to exceed one A4 or letter size page) such as:
Technical aspects of minimal invasive/robotic upper GI , lower GI, HPB, endocrine surgery
Technical aspects of transplantation surgery
Surgical Oncology (esophageal, gastric, hepatocellular, cholangiocellular, pancreatic, colorectal, thyroid cancer, soft tissue tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, and rare oncological diseases)
SOPs in high volume surgery (including general surgery, metabolic surgery, organ transplantation, endocrine surgery, and cancer surgery)
At the end of your hosptitation it is asked to:
Send a short résumé on the content of your hospitation to the ESA grant committee
Attend and prepare a 10 minute oral presentation for the nearest ESA Annual Congress
Application process begins each year from 1st June to November 10th.
Deadline for 2025 : December 1st, 2024
Selection process by the ESA Educational Grant Committee is done between 1st october to mid december and presented to ESA annual council.
Grant winner(s) will then be contacted between mid to end of December.
Hospitation must be realised within 8 months from the day of your acceptance.
Up to 4'000 € is allocated for a 1-3 week hospitation.
This is to cover transport, accommodation and catering during the young surgeon stay.
All original invoices must be kept and sent to ESA office to obtain costs revovery.
Half of the grant will be given before the hospitation to avoid any high personnal cash advance.
Maciej Krasnodebski
From Warsow, Poland - Exchange done in March 2023 in Germany
(Medizinische Hochschule Hannover)
« This experience has provided me with invaluable insights into the hepatopancreatobiliary surgery and has significantly enhanced my skills and knowledge with regard to patient care, surgical technique and liver transplant procedures. »
Jin-On Jung
From Cologne, Germany - Exchange done in August 2023 in Korea
(Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea)
« All in all, I have learned a lot about how gastric cancer surgery is being performed in South Korea with a
different tumour aetiology and different patient profiles. I have also learned how a surgical staff can
operate and communicate with each other in a culture that is far away from Europe yet so technically
modernized and advanced. There were aspects of medicine and interaction that were somewhat
unfamiliar when compared to the clinical routine that I am used to, however, at the same time there were
also very similar issues and perceptions that I could share with the many people I encountered.
I am enormously thankful about this unique chance to attend such a hospitation and would like to thank
my host Prof. Yang from Seoul, my supporter Prof. Bruns from Cologne, and of course the European
Surgical Association for making this precious experience possible.. »
Markus Albertsneier
From Munich, Germany - Exchange done in July 2023 in Italy
(Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy)
« my two-week visit to the sarcoma unit at INT Milan, supported by the European Surgical Association's 2023 Christophe Mariette Grant, proved to be a profoundly enriching experience. Under the guidance of Prof. Alessandro Gronchi and his team, I gained extensive exposure to advanced surgical techniques for retroperitoneal sarcomas and gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST). The visit not only strengthened our ongoing collaborations but also sparked new initiatives, including research on immune cell infiltrates in retroperitoneal sarcomas and a post-hoc analysis of EORTC 62961 trial data. This experience has expanded my clinical expertise and laid the groundwork for future scientific endeavours and international partnerships in the field of sarcoma research. I am very grateful to the European Surgical Association for making this exchange possible... »
Marcel André Schneider
From Zurich, Switzerland - Exchange done in September 2023 in Korea
(Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea)
« my 4-week clinical observership in gastric cancer surgery at SNUH was an invaluable, transformative and highly enriching experience. I gained a comprehensive understanding of the surgical management of gastric, absorbing knowledge from world-renowned experts and witnessing the latest surgical techniques firsthand. The experience has undoubtedly enriched my surgical expertise and instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of gastric cancer management. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this observership and extend my sincere thanks to the European Surgical Association (ESA) for sponsoring this enriching exchange. I wholeheartedly recommend that surgeons interested in gastric cancer surgery consider pursuing a similar clinical observership at SNUH or another leading institution in Korea or Japan. The opportunity to learn from the best in the field and experience the highest standards of care in gastric cancer surgery is an invaluable asset for any aspiring upper gastrointestinal surgeon.»